Saturday, September 1, 2007

AZADIRACHTA INDICA (Neem)- Cultivation Methods

Cultivation Method

         Seeds propagation is the Common method of growing neem trees. Neem tree can also be propagated by vegetative means - shoot cuttings.

How to raise plants in Nursery

          Seeds are collected from June to August. It should be collected from 5 to 6 years old trees. Only fresh and ripe seeds should be collected. Seeds remain viable for a short period of 2 to 3 weeks only should be sown immediately.

        Nursery is raised in beds of 90cm breadth and seeds should be planted 3 cm apart within a row, and depth of 2.5 cm. The beds are watered immediately using rose can. After about 3 months, seedlings are transplanted. The transplanted seedlings can be raised in polythene bags.

Irrigation for trees

        Neem requires hardly any irrigation. A little irrigation will give good growth for seedlings.

           Neem starts flowering from the 3rd to 5th year. Flowering is observed during January to May. The leaves starts to shed during February to March. The fruits are harvested when the colour of fruit turns green in bright yellow. Vigorous shaking of the branches is required to collect the ripe seeds.

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