Saturday, June 2, 2007

How to Arrange Dish Garden

                        Dish gardens are grown with cacti, succulents, foliage plants succulents such as cacti succulent crassula cacti succulents, echeverria, Sansevieria. Foliage plants such as Arabia, Dieffenbachia, miniature Varieties of coleus dracaena of Duranta, tradescantia, peperomia, spider plant and wondering Jews can be used.

               It is essential to group the plants and thrive under the same conditions of light and water requirement. The size of the plant should be in proportion to the dimension of the dish or tray used. Normally, ceramic or clay tray (with drainage holes) of any size or shape is suitable. Small pieces of nylon mesh should be used to cover the drainage holes and brick pieces, a course soil mixture of red earth, cow-dung manure and brick earth granules in equal proportions and miniature rock or white stones or marble pieces can be used.

               Glass containers like an aquarium when used should be watered sparingly as there is no drainage outlet.The rock, stones or drift wood can be placed firmly in position according to the layout; tall plants should be kept at rear or centre of the dish so that they will not block the view of smaller plants. A place where the plant will receive two to three hours of bright sun light is ideal for keeping the dish garden healthy. Watering is done only when the soil has dried up. If plants in the dish garden grows out of size then pruning is essential once in a month to keep them at the desired heights. Spraying liquid fertilizer (2 gm urea for 1 litre of water) is also essential.

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